Category: Memoir
Author: Vincent Gervasi
Publisher: Enzo Vasi Publications
Publication Date: September 28, 2023
Number of Pages: 196
ISBN-10: 979-8-9886310-1-9
ISBN-13: 979-8-9886310-2-6

Simpin' Ain't Easy: Embracing Common Sense and Rejecting Stupidity by Vincent Gervasi is a compelling memoir that takes readers on a transformative journey from a life entrenched in addiction, unhealthy relationships, and a revolving door of recovery programs to one founded on the principles of Stoicism. Gervasi lifts the veil to show readers the darkness in which he has wallowed, revealing his brokenness, and the path towards healing. He talks about the stupid choices he has made and how blindsided him and led to the regrettable choices. The narrative explores his quest for validation and the emotional void that fueled toxic relationships, providing a raw and honest portrayal of his descent into stupidity.

The author's experiences with recovery programs illustrate the challenges of breaking free from addiction and the hard lessons in courage and temperance. The turning point in Gervasi's life comes with the realization that he alone has the power to change his trajectory by fully taking responsibility for his actions and making choices that can shape his future. He embraced the wisdom of Stoicism as a guiding philosophy, with virtues like justice, courage, wisdom, temperance, and moderation leading the way to recovery. Gervasi's writing is fluid and he melds insightful passages with quirky expressions to keep readers engaged. The author explores emotions that are raw while being honest in discussing his various addictions. His journey toward healing is the road less travelled and having walked that road, the author provides tools for readers to find themselves and embrace inner freedom. This powerful book gives readers what they need to break free from self-destructive behaviors. It is resonant and filled with wisdom; each chapter contains questions for reflection. Simpin' Ain't Easy: Embracing Common Sense and Rejecting Stupidity is an eye-opener for anyone who wants to transform their lives. This book is the best gift for anyone with any form of addiction — I am blessed to have read it. 

Reviewed By: Christian Fernandez


Date: January 11, 2024

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