Tim: The Story of Timothy H. O'Sullivan as a Young Apprentice at Mathew Brady's Studio

Category: Historical Fiction
Author: Daniel A. Sheridan
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: September 11, 2022
Number of Pages: 295
ISBN-13: 979-8352032596

In 1850, Timothy Sullivan lives with his father (Jeremiah) and older brother (Thomas). Tim and his family are still recovering from the loss of his mother to Yellow Fever. Tim’s Aunt has recently learned of an offer that she desires to convey to both Tim and Jeremiah. The offer involves Tim becoming an apprentice to renowned photographer Mathew Brady. Jeremiah, despite initial skepticism, acquiesces and Tim is soon traveling from Staten Island to New York City to learn a new trade. Despite a rocky first day where he is beaten and robbed, Tim arrives at Brady’s office where Brady immediately takes a shine to Tim. Soon, Tim is doing odd jobs for Brady and watching a master performing his craft, learning valuable lessons along the way.

Tim captivates as a historical fiction narrative where a young man’s world is opened up with his first job. Young Tim Sullivan is an inquisitive lad whose desire for knowledge is limitless. Mathew Brady comes across as talented, but modest. He is a secondary father figure to Tim, aiding him in understanding aspects of the world that Tim was previously not privy to. The occasional historical figures that pop in and out of the story, such as PT Barnum, are as imposing as history has shown. The emotional impact of the tale is not solely confined to Timothy Sullivan’s story. In 1985, Danny becomes a photography apprentice while mulling over a return to college. Both men are years apart in age and time, but their paths are similar and telling. Author Daniel A. Sheridan has crafted a delightful and interesting book about lessons learned in life as much as a career. The tale is filled with insightful passages and moments that force readers to pause and think about some of the important choices they have made in life. This author imbues the characters with life and authenticity. 

Reviewed By: Philip Zozzaro


Date: February 1, 2023