In Defense of Patch Schubert

Category: Romance - Historical
Author: John Clark Payne
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: December 30, 2020
Number of Pages: 306
ISBN-13: 979-8588588997

In Defense of Patch Schubert by John Clark Payne is a historical romance with an irresistible appeal to fans of novels with a setting during the Civil War. It has been just thirty days after Lee surrenders to Grant when the friend of Confederate Private Patch Schubert is killed. Partnering with a Mexican mercenary, Patch sets out to capture a Union prisoner, a dangerous mission that will take him away from the one woman he has already come fond of. After the end of the war, all he wants is to reunite with Rosa, the woman who has made him feel like a real man, but when he arrives home after a detour in San Antonio, Rosa is gone on another dangerous mission. The mission to find Rosa is one fraught with danger, with soldiers reconnecting with each other and breaking up. Follow Patch as he is captured and tried for his crimes, but can he get off the hook and find Rosa?

John Clark Payne’s novel is brimming with adventure and it offers a dazzling portrait of war. The protagonist is a man who sets out to find the woman with whom he had his first sexual experience. He is thwarted on the way by the obstacles posed by the war. The characters are elaborately written and nuanced and readers will be keen on watching each of the key characters evolve through the turmoil of war. I particularly loved Patch, a man who is relentless in his quest and whose rifle, designed with the letter “S” becomes very symbolic in the narrative. In Defense of Patch Schubert is absolutely successful in offering good romance against the backdrop of the vicissitudes of war. It is brave, engaging, and lively, a tale that is as transporting as suits the genre. 

Reviewed By: Matthew Novak


Date: September 13, 2022